الجمعة، 28 يونيو 2013

عيوننا ترحل اليك يا مصر

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Washington DC - June 29th
In front of the White House 2:00 PM

The link to the protest's event:

For those who are coming from the east coast, the bus will be picking people up from these locations:

New York Bus Staton for pick up to Washington DC 
Stop # ------Station -------Intersection ---------Time
1 ------Brooklyn -------4 Ave & 92 St ----- 8:00 AM
2 ------Brooklyn -------IKEA Plaza --------8:15 AM
3 ------Manhatten -------8 Ave & 34 St --------8:45 AM
4 ------Manhatten -------8 Ave & 42 St --------9:00 AM
5 ------New Jersy -------Ex11/12 Turnpike-------9:30 AM

------------ابراهيم عبيدى-----------
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